Frequently Asked Questions And Troubleshooting Day Hagan Email Subscription
Thank you for your interest in Day Hagan Financial Research Publications. Below are answers to frequently asked questions and what to do if the emails stop.
How Do I Subscribe To The Day Hagan Email List?
Please visit either or Top right corner of each website, click on the Subscribe link. This will take you to the subscribe form. Enter your email address, first name, last name, check which publications (must select at least one) you’d like to receive, the appropriate email format (HTML recommended), and click the Subscribe button at the end of the form.
You will receive a Please Confirm Subscription email that contains a link (Yes, subscribe me to this list) for you to click on to complete the subscription process. If you do not click on this link, you will not be added to the email list.
How Do I Unsubscribe To The Day Hagan Email List?
Click on the Unsubscribe From This List link found at the bottom of each email. A new window will pop up saying “Unsubscribe Successful”. Then select the reason for unsubscribing, then click the Submit button.
Your email address will be unsubscribed from the email list immediately.
How Do I Change My Email Address?
Click on the Update Subscription Preferences link found at the bottom of each email. The Update Your Preferences window will pop up. Make any needed changes, such as updating the email address, changing which items you’d like to receive, etc. When done, click on the Update Profile button at the bottom to save changes.
I Get Too Many Emails – Can I Cut Down On The Email Volume?
You can cut down the email volume by subscribing to only those publications that you want. To change which items you receive, click on the Update Subscription Preferences link found at the bottom of each email. The Update Your Preferences window will pop up. Make any needed changes, such as changing which items you’d like to receive. When done, click on the Update Profile button at the bottom to save changes.
How Often Will I Receive Emails?
The short answer – it varies. We offer several different Research Publications and they become available at different times.
Day Hagan Research Update varies depending on current financial market events but generally goes out at least twice a month, sometimes weekly.
Day Hagan Tech Talk is weekly.
Day Hagan Strategy Updates are monthly.
Day Hagan Trade Notifications are monthly.
Day Hagan Insights varies, but generally, a few times a year.
Day Hagan Online Event Notifications will vary depending on which online events you are interested in. If sign up for all online events, then will receive 3 emails for each one (1 week out, 3 days out, and the day of).
Do We Sell Or Distribute Our Emails List?
We are committed to keeping your e-mail address confidential. We do not sell, rent, or lease our subscription lists to third parties, and we will not provide your personal information to any third party, individual, government agency, or company at any time unless compelled to do so by law.
We use your e-mail address solely to provide timely information about Day Hagan Asset Management and Funds.
Day Hagan Asset Management will maintain the information you send via e-mail in accordance with applicable federal law.
HELP! No Longer Receiving Day Hagan Emails.
First, check the Spam Folder. If the emails are there, move them to your Inbox and mark them as Not Spam. Then add the following Day Hagan e-mail addresses and domain to your address book, contacts, and/ or “Safe Senders” list. Remember that you may receive e-mail messages from several Day Hagan addresses.
If the emails are not in the Spam Folder, they may be caught in the company level spam filters. Add Day Hagan email addresses and domain to your address book, contacts, and/ or Safe Senders list. The emails may start to appear in your inbox (usually takes care of the problem). Remember that you may receive e-mail messages from several Day Hagan addresses.
If the emails do not appear in your inbox after adding the Day Hagan email addresses, then contact your company’s IT department and ask them to whitelist Day Hagan’s domains ( and and the following ranges of IP addresses:
Disclosure: The data and analysis contained herein are provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Day Hagan Asset Management (DHAM), any of its affiliates or employees, or any third-party data provider, shall not have any liability for any loss sustained by anyone who has relied on the information contained in any Day Hagan Asset Management literature or marketing materials. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice, and you should always obtain current information and perform due diligence before investing. DHAM, accounts that DHAM or its affiliated companies manage, or their respective shareholders, directors, officers and/or employees, may have long or short positions in the securities discussed herein and may purchase or sell such securities without notice. DHAM uses and has historically used various methods to evaluate investments which, at times, produce contradictory recommendations with respect to the same securities. When evaluating the results of prior DHAM recommendations or DHAM performance rankings, one should also consider that DHAM may modify the methods it uses to evaluate investment opportunities from time to time, that model results do not impute or show the compounded adverse effect of transactions costs or management fees or reflect actual investment results, that some model results do not reflect actual historical recommendations, and that investment models are necessarily constructed with the benefit of hindsight. For this and for many other reasons, the performance of DHAM’s past recommendations and model results are not a guarantee of future results. The securities mentioned in this document may not be eligible for sale in some states or countries, nor be suitable for all types of investors; their value and income they produce may fluctuate and/or be adversely affected by exchange rates, interest rates or other factors.